THE LINK flourish LOGO 2023

Blue Sky Project

BlueSky-Project- at the link generations coming together
Connecting Mater Christi and Marian Grove residents, and students from Orara High

If you notice some youngsters in The Link Community Gardens, that’s because we are collaborating with Blue Sky Community Services in a project connecting Mater Christi and Marian Grove residents, and students from Orara High. Residents are engaging with students through the garden space, supporting and mentoring them in the project, sharing their experiences in the process.

The students are learning through doing, growing some tasty veggies, as well as picking up some life skills and sharing their own stories with residents.


It’s so rewarding to see these diverse generations getting to know each other. The project will be continuing for another two months initially, so if you’re interested in joining the group, please let us know at The Link!


Special thanks to Brent Haines and Frank Kennedy from Marian Grove for their voluntary participation in the project thus far, and thanks to Bec Graham and
residents from Mater Christi who attend each week.

Event Type

Event Space

Number of People


Event Attendees

School Orara High
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