THE LINK flourish LOGO 2023

Silver Sirens

Redefining Ageing Coffs Coast
The Link recently hosted the Silver Sirens, Redefining Ageing Coffs Coast and what a wonderful morning the women had!
Founder of Silver Sirens is Faith Agugu an Australian leader in the global positive ageing movement, who seeks to champion women aged 50 plus, and re-define how they approach ageing.
Guests were treated with powerful guest speakers, a spectacular entertainer, and a lush gift bag, filled with premium beauty and lifestyle products.

The vision for the Silver Sirens community is that they continue to expand their role as wisdom holders of our families, communities and the world. That they continue to challenge the limited narrative assigned to us as ageing women. That we each continue to carve out our own paths, expressing our unique personalities, hopes and dreams, and that we embrace our role as models of ageing for younger women.  At its core, Silver Sirens is about creating community, building connection, and celebrating the ageing process and ourselves as women.

Event Type

Event Space

Number of People


Event Attendees

Facilitating Group/OrganiserSilver Sirens
AVHorizon Corporate Events
PhotographerPeter Sechi Photography
Facilitating Group/OrganiserSilver Sirens
AVHorizon Corporate Events
PhotographerPeter Sechi Photography
Thank you for taking good care of us. The Link Community was the perfect venue for our first regional Silver Sirens, Redefining Ageing event
Silver Sirens
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